by | Sep 11, 2019 | Pro Tools

One of the things that I have learned over the years is that failing is easy. You don’t really have to do anything and it will happen naturally. Success, isn’t quite as easy.

Getting a measure of success isn’t super hard, but it does take energy, focus and a good plan (if you want to maintain it). We’ve all heard of people who seem to be an “overnight” success”. Unfortunately, that is usually how long that success lasts.

Having a long-term, sustainable plan that will create a legacy for your children’s children will take a bit more effort, but I believe that all of us are capable of it. We just have to have smarter plans, braver spirits and wiser souls. This blog is all about what success looks like in all of its forms. From a successful cooking your first dinner to closing a multi-billion dollar deal.

If you are interested in creating a bit more success in your life… we’ve got something for you!


President, Leading at Life, LLC

A Georgia-girl, blessed to live and work in some amazing cites and countries. Michelle currently calls Mount Juliet, TN and the rest of the amazing Nashville area home. She’s proud to have touched millions as a broadcast exec and consultant to amazing companies who’ve touched even more.

She currently leads Success Lab HQ and to help real people reach their goals faster.